THis last weekend was the Oyster festival. Andre, Tamara, Chris, Yolande and Me and Myra went to the festival.
Had a real great weekend especially the ride through Harkeville. See pic
More later
Hi there all. I know it has been a while… Things that have happened recently include a triple birthday bash at a Chinese restaurant at the V&A waterfront. Andre (13th June), Neil (also the 15th) and I joined up to celebrate being one year closer to racing in the vets league!! Neil and Andre are a lot closer than I am though. It will be sad not having them in the Elite bunch next year!!!
The next thing worth writing about was a trip down to Napier for the Patat Fees Mtb race. My, Andre and Tamara made the trip down to the small town with me. There was a good old “bazaar” there with a stand selling “Snoek & Patat”. A great way to get the post race protein in!!
Next on the cards is a trip up to Knysna for the Oyster Festival and the MTB race.