Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stu has a new toy!!

As of 2 weeks ago I have been the owner of a Power Tap power meter.  It is a really great toy that is going to get me from my current state of absolute unfitness to race ready form.

It in conjunction with my newly acquired coach are going to make my life hell!!  I see 4:30am intervals on the not too far horizon!  (What have I gotten myself into??!!??)




The software I am going to be using is Training Peaks.  SO for the next couple of months I will be monitoring my Normalised power, my PowerZone distribution and my TSS,TSB,ATL and CTL scores. 

Will it help, well time will tell but with the form I am in at the moment the only way is up.  6 months till Spring league!  I will keep you informed!


Just over 2 hours till the long Easter Weekend.  4 days to really get to know my PT.

Monday, March 03, 2008


This weekend saw me heading up to Bloemfontein for Leila and Declan's wedding. During the weekend Myra and I managed to visit the now infamous Reitz res at the UFS!!

Take a look at the licence disc on the car I rented from Imperial!! It expired over a month before I rented it. Besides that the dashboard kept flashing at me to say that the car needed a service. Oh yeah I couldn't open the passenger door with the key seeing as though somebody before me tried to unsuccessfully use a screwdriver!!

I must say Bloem just doesn't want me to have an enjoyable trip. Besides the wedding which was great the rest wasn't worth writing about!
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