Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Orange River Day 1 & 2

What an awesome time!


15 of us (consisting mainly of cyclists) headed north to the Namibian border to test our upper body strength on the Orange River.  We actually did quite well, but that is mainly because bones don’t get stiff!


We left in convoy on Wednesday morning and managed to hit every Wimpy between Cape Town and The Namibian border.  I personally managed to get through a waffle and a half on the second stop.  (training has already started to try get rid of it!)  Luckily we all cruised up in luxury because the temperature at the Nam border must have been easily in the 40’s.  If you are posted there you must have done something seriously wrong somewhere along the line.


The Felix Unite camp was only a couple of k’s from the border and we were soon settled on the lawn setting up camp for the night and sampling the local brew.   The stars were, as expected, out in full force and it was great to fall asleep under them.


The next day we woke to an awesome sunrise.  There were a few clouds and that made the sky shine a very bright red, which was beautiful to look at but a sign of the weather (headwind) to come.  After a great breakfast of bacon and egg rolls we packed our buckets (kitchen, closet and linen cupboard) and were ready to roll.


The first morning was a tough one having to deal with a headwind but with a bit of a push we reached the lunch stop where we were treated to a good lunch and time to play a bit of Wabooba.  Soon enough though we were on our way and to encounter the first rapid of the day.  On this rapid Moolman and I managed to turn the boat and hit it backwards.  Somehow between the 2 of us we managed to control it and get through safely.  That is more than can be said for Nic the guide’s boat which ended up getting wrapped on a rock and being sunk.  It was amazing to see the power of water.  What looked like a fairly innocent patch of water quite easily took care of the boat.


The first night was spent on a piece of the bank that had been recently populated with bovines and was affectionately  nicknamed “cow pat island”.  Once all the pats had been flicked out the way the first papsak appeared and the evening started to get underway.  The headwind had taken its toll and by 10am there wasn’t a light to be seen at camp.



The best thing on day 2 was probably being served coffee in our sleeping bags by Nic and Hannes.  Looking at the faces of the group that first cup of coffee was actually more of a necessity than a luxury.  Again there was a good breakfast that got us on our way and to test out the damage the previous days efforts had done to our shoulders.


Day 2’s paddling was absolutely awesome.  It included the (in)famous Shambok rapid which we could preview when we walked up one of the hills over during the lunch break.  On the hill we were told to pick up fluoride pieces which when were later thrown into the fire glowed a bright blue before popping like fireworks.


Shambok rapid lived up to its reputation, even though due to the high level of the water was tamer than usual, and took the first victim of our group. The rest of us managed to make it through and I think Moolman, now paired up with Cathy, did most of this one backwards too.


I must admit I was lying when I said that the coffee in the morning was the best thing of the day, it was in fact the ice cream and chocolate sauce we had at the night stop.  Ice cream has never tasted so good!


There were plenty of fun and games that night, made even better with the help of a 2nd papsak!  First up was a test of flexibility when you had to fold yourself inside out to get a paddle around from one side of your body to the other.  Next up was a game of Orange River Seconds.  A version of 30seconds OR style.  This of course ;-) was taken by the boys or team YUM YUM!

Even with a few sneaky moves from the girls!


Every night there was a fairly strong wind and some people who won’t be named decided to take advantage of it and hide Moolman’s and my mattresses! Making us believe they had been blown away.  Revenge will be had and oh yes, it will be sweet ;-) I can’t wait for the reunion and fines evening!!  It was on this night that Kasha claims a fine for  pumping up her bed after lights out!!


To be continued!




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