Monday, June 20, 2011


Brrrrrr, Its June, and its cold in Cape Town. So what would make 13 and a half people think it is a good idea to head to South Africa's coldest little dorpie in the middle of winter??

The stars?, an excuse to drink red wine?, somebodies birthday?, the cycling?, the locals?, a warm fire?, good mates? (Jurg's convincing self promo video?)

Well I suppose it was a little bit of all of the above (except for the video that is......)

After a bit of a party the night before (there were 13 empty bottles of wine next to the bin and I didn't even count the beer cans) we headed in a North Easterly direction up the N1 stopping briefly in Matjiesfontein, for some warming soup and sherry, before making the left hand turn to Sutherland.
The drive up was a spectacular one with rainbows and waterfalls a plenty. The Karoo was anything but dry on this trip and the rivers were pumping (which we would experience first hand a later in the weekend). Johan arrived at Rooikloof ( a little before us and welcomed us with a warming fire and a open bottle of red wine! The weekend had started!

The first night was not only cold but also wet, so braai'ing was cancelled and Johan came up with what I would describe as a Karoo Goulash that worked brilliantly. Supper, the long drive, the night before, the afternoon wine and an eventful game of 30 seconds sapped the energy and we were soon off to bed. All that and the shot of Akkedis Bult Witblits!!

Day 2 started slowly (not surprisingly) but eventually we jumped on our bikes and headed off on the Oubergpass road in search of the view form the top of the pass. The distance was a little underestimated and the one waterbottle we each took ended up being about 4 to little! but as with those nights where you head out for "just one beer" this ride turned out to be an Epic one and even included a knee deep river crossing in FREEEEZING water. The view was worth it though and next time when we don't have frozen toes we might try riding down and back up the pass! Those that didn't cycle enjoyed a somewhat more relaxed day in and around town.

Another good meal and Great red wine eased the aching body and I was energised enough for a quick trip to the Rooikat bar for slightly less potent shots than the previous evening!

We took advantage of my biggish car, it's offroad ability, an 80's CD and a sub woofer to take a crazy detour off the tar road and head off a bit deeper into the Karoo. There we were all out of the warmth of the car dancing in the middle of nowhere to Kaptein and Special Star. I think half of the Karoo heard us. ;-) We played a few dodgy tunes to throw the locals off our trail before heading back to the warmth (unless you were staying in Koesnaatjie!) of our accommodation.

Another great day in the coldest place in SA!!

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